Artist Statement
One Chinese common saying said if you are a great master, you are must at least good at 18 types of Chinese Kung Fu and cold weapons. It was one of my understandings of art, and now it still is. The 18 types of weapons might be skills, but also can be concepts. And Pablo Picasso was the man to be able to handle both skills and concepts. I wanted to be this kind. Maybe I am like him, like to join in competition. I know he liked to watch boxing on TV, enjoyed watching bullfight and obsessed game between man and woman. Eventually, I think what he liked is fighting. Fighting for what? Fighting for what he was born with. I guess it is rebellion. It is never tame. And I am truly not satisfied with my previous understanding of art. I began with still-life painting (learning and copying environment), went through the physical observation (monocular and binocular vision), felt emotion (abstract and expressionist painting), compared subjective and objective understanding (chaos theory), then I understand dada and so many contemporary art forms. And now I can read different contemporary art because the long learning process enhanced my ability of perception. Now I may say getting into chaos is a way of revealing art and of knowing deeper me. And learning art is the process to know how to use the power of chaos to see who I am in some side. But I still have some questions like I currently do not know why I am doing this; even I know I am willing to do.
I do not believe something is guiding me, but the true is I am quite often to meet some scenes that I dreamed many years ago. I do not think the coincidence is made by programming. I mean someone is up there programming the world where I am living.