Professional Showcase

Bin Yu as Xi,
Shaoyibin as Cart,
Xi as Bin Yu,
Cart as Shaoyibin
F4 edited by Xi
A creative way of showing four artists' subjects in one video was fascinating. We are working on different subjects, but in some extend our subjects have similarity to each other. Our subjects are related to huge ideas like chaos, quantum physics, self-repetition on biological revolution, Taoism and metempsychosis. And those subjects seem to be a circle of concept, so we choose to act each other and perform performed role's subject.
Eventually, we just danced with music, and do not even care about art.

Crypt Show
Crypt show is a quite special experience to collaborate with featured place. I was working in technique team for supporting classmates to install art works. Before the date of setting up show, tech team and curation team had a meeting together for discussing details of installing requirements such as needed tools, materials and who needs socket and where it is. The whole installing process was slow as the curation team changes the plan many times. Fortunately and finally we finished the setting up and got the best curation with the help from Course leader. The whole process of preparing the show is impressive. Getting the history of crypt gallery and St Pancross Church and thinking the linking point are most interesting points for me. Though eventually the connection between my works and crypt gallery was not appropriate enough, the experience is worth to have.​​
17 m²

I was in tech team during the High Holborn Show. For setting up some works hanging from ceiling, I got new skill of using ladder by passing the online examination. I was supposing to show my new art piece the two circles, but it was not finished. So I exhibited my old piece there.
Shoebox Show was really impressive in my life. The final show was like one piece of art work. The difference of unification become the theme, just rightly representing classmates’ diverse personalities and features thought we are all in the same education.

​Among the last February, I did a group show exhibiting in China Design Centre with Mark Jeffrey, Charlie Lang, Tom Waring and other two BA painting students. The exhibition existing about 15 days contained mainly paintings, few installations and several design works. The design centre is a small gallery belong to the building centre which is mainly able to display design works and urban planning. Thanks to the building centre is more like a mature art and design communication centre, the exhibition attendance is higher than we expected. The manager of china design centre is Jack, a kind Chinese man who would offer quite low rent to students setting up exhibition for helping them approaching success; and also giving support for publishing exhibition information on the website of building centre and Chinese social media WeChat.
The curator was a BA painting student who decided the theme of exhibition ‘Mixed Relationship’ which did not lead the exhibition running academically. I felt sort of disappointed, because we lost chances to make a deeper art discussion among our six artists. Fortunately, the curation was successfully completed by our six artists’ collaboration. Each artist had one small individual space displaying works, alongside the wall hanging artist statement, contact information and price. We spend about two days on curation which was about installing works, brushing walls, adjusting lights, arranging showcases, making PPT showing on TV and etc.
Facing audiences who asked me about my works was a really nice experience to get feedback from viewers, and also a great chance to practice explaining my art and ideas. As it was my first show outside of collage, I felt unsatisfied though; I think the first effort is worthwhile. I am still looking for opportunities of higher quality exhibition.
Key skills: self-curation, interpersonal skills, installation method, negotiation,making prezi PPT